Promotion for This Month


Shaklee Ostematrix - Keperluan Kalsium Kita

Promo bulan March ini pula ialah OsteMatrix, terbaik!! Saya sangat suka!

Lebih daripada Sekadar Kalsium
  • OsteMatrixTM membekalkan nutrien-nutrien harian termasuk kalsium yang dapat membantu dalam pembentukan dan penjagaan tulang dan gigi.  
  • Ia juga mengandungi magnesium, vitamin D dan mineral zink, tembaga dan manganese untuk membantu dalam memelihara kesihatan yang baik.  
  • Kaplet yang bersaiz kecil dan disalut licin ini juga mudah ditelan
  • Tiada perasa tiruan, pemanis, pewarna atau bahan pengawet tambahan. 
  • 100% daripada sumber semula jadi
  • Halal
Selalu rajin minum susu ke? hihi. Rasa-rasa cukup tak keperluan kalsium harian anda? Cuba tengok table kat bawah ni:-

Thank you kak Laila (image from Facebook
Dari baby sampai ke orang dewasa, semuanya memerlukan kalsium. Penting kan kalsium ni.

Even dalam set2 shaklee pon hampir semuanya mesti ada sekali OsteMatrix :)

Cuba tengok:-

Set Kesihatan Wanita :)

Set Kesihatan Sendi

Dan macam2 lagi.

Dapatkannya cepat2. Hubungi saya di:-

SMS/whatsapp: 012-2170950

Tata, thank you dan tima kaceh..

Widya @lovehealth7


Shaklee Omega Guard 3> who needs Omega-3s, and why?

Assalamualaikum Semua, dan Happy Monday!

Hari ini saya nak share satu supplement tambahan yang memang diperlukan oleh semua golongan, baik kanak-kanak, remaja, dan orang dewasa. Baik lelaki dan wanita. We all need this nutrition.

Apa dia? Its Omega-3 people! And, kalau dari brand Shaklee, it is called as Shaklee Omega Guard. Cool kan nama dia? Rasa protected gitu :)

Saya tak sabar nak share ni, di bulan ini, sebabnya bulan ini, Shaklee buat promo hebat untuk Omega Guard. Saya pon excited, sebab bulan lepas saya beli, tak dapat harga offer. Sobsob. Promonya ialah "Buy 6, free 1". woot woot! Boley beli dan hadiahkan untuk seisi keluarga, atau kongsi-kongsi dengan best friends forever/teman se-ofis ke sekelas ke sekampung ke. Memang best gila punya offer. 

Anda boley kontek saya untuk mendapatkannya ok. 

But before that, please continue reading, as my main focus is to share about Omega-3, and why choose Shaklee Omega Guard.

price/harga blum termasuk postage
Image: Perbandingan dengan Shaklee. Credit to Kak Cery (

Shaklee OmegaGuard merupakan makanan tambahan yang mengandungi minyak ikan. Ia mengandungi 7 jenis asid lemak omega-3 semulajadi yang diperlukan oleh badan. Satu hidangan OmegaGuardTMmenyediakan ~1000mg asid lemak omega 3  termasuk DHA dan EPA. 

Asid Dokosaheksanoik (DHA) dan  Asid Eikosapentanoik (EPA) merupakan asid lemak 3 yang ditemui dalam ikan laut dalam. DHA dan EPA dipercayai mampu mengurangkan keradangan, menggalakkan fungsi otak, sistem saraf dan fungsi mata yang perlu diperolehi melalui pemakanan.

Ringkasnya (lebih informasi,saya sertakan di bahagian bawah sekali), penyelidikan menunjukkan asid lemak omega-3 semulajadi dapat memperbaiki kesihatan kardiovaskular dia samping membantu memelihara tekanan darah dan paras trigliserida yang normal. Tambahan lagi, omega-3 dapat memelihara kesihatan otak, penglihatan dan fungsi-fungsi sendi*.

Apa lagi keistimewaan Shaklee Omega Guard? Ianya dihasilkan melalui proses proprietary tiga molekul yang memekatkan asid lemak omega-3 yang bermanfaat dan semulajadi sementara menyingkirkan bahan bahan berbahaya seperti merkuri dan plumbum yang terdapat di dalam kebanyakan jenis ikan. (kalau student engineering/lab related, mesti biasa dengar "distillation process" kan? and mesti tahu, why do we need that kind of process. Shaklee utilize this kind of process to get the best omega 3 for us. Haa, dia camtu la. Think about it. hehe.)

Siapa perlu omega? Do You? Your baby? Your parents?

Yes, EVERYONE! Semua orang!

image from google
But why? Kenapa setiap golongan sangat memerlukan omega-3?

This is really a good info-sharing, extracted from

Omega-3s for Infants, Prenatal Health, and Pregnancy

Omega-3s are important for children’s health right from the start – actually, before they’re even born. Here’s some of the evidence.
  • Cognitive development. Some studies show that infants fed formulas enriched with the omega-3 fatty acid DHA show improvements in hand-eye coordination, attention span, social skills, and intelligence test scores. Studies have shown that children born to mothers who took supplements of omega-3s (DHA and EPA) during pregnancy and the during the first months of breastfeeding scored higher on cognitive tests at 4 years of age compared to children whose mothers did not take supplements of DHA and EPA.
  • Asthma risk. A 2008 study found that the teenage children of women who took fish oil during pregnancy were less likely to have developed asthma.
  • Growth. There’s some evidence that when omega-3s are added to formula, it promotes growth and brain development in premature infants.
  • Preterm labor. A 2003 study found that women who ate eggs enriched with omega-3s were less likely to go into premature labor than women who ate standard eggs.
Although none of these studies are conclusive, there’s good reason to make sure that infants – and pregnant women -- are getting their omega 3s such as DHA and EPA.
Many infant formulas are now supplemented with DHA. A mother’s breast milk is an ideal source of omega-3s, although it may be affected by how many omega-3s she’s getting in her diet.

Omega-3s for Children and Teens

Some of the childhood conditions that have been studied include:
  • ADHD. Kids with ADHD may have lower levels of omega-3s in their bodies than normal, and a few small studies have looked at fish oil supplements as a treatment. They found that the supplements might improve behavior, reduce hyperactivity, and boost attention in kids under 12.
  • Depression. Fish oil is often used as a treatment for depression in adults; there have been a few studies in children too. One small 2006 study of fish oil in depressed 6- to 12-year-olds found it helped their symptoms significantly.
  • Diabetes. One small study looked at kids who were at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The researchers found that those who ate a high omega-3 diet were less likely to develop the condition.
  • Asthma. Omega-3s may reduce inflammation in the airways, which could benefit those with asthma. One small study of 29 children with asthma found that those taking fish oil for 10 months had fewer symptoms than those who didn’t. However, other studies of omega-3s as an asthma treatment have not found consistent evidence that they help.
Keep in mind that many of these studies were small and other studies have sometimes found contradictory evidence. More research needs to be done before we’ll know the full implications.

Omega-3s for Young Adults

As an age group, young adults tend to be pretty healthy. But it’s a good time to start thinking ahead and considering your health in the long-term. So how can omega-3s help?
  • Cardiovascular health. Studies have found that people who eat fatty fish twice a week have lower rates of heart disease. One study found that fish oil – in foods or supplements – cut the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 32%. People with documented heart disease are advised to get about 1 gram of omega-3s from fish oil per day or to consider EPA plus DHA supplements.
  • Cancer. So far, the evidence is not very strong. But a number of studies have noted that people who take in higher amounts of omega-3s seem to have lower levels of certain cancers. These include cancers of the breast, prostate, colon, ovaries, esophagus, and others. Are the omega-3s really responsible? It’s impossible to say. But the evidence is promising and more research needs to be done.
  • Depression and other psychiatric conditions . There’s some fairly good evidence that omega-3s can play a role in brain chemistry and a number of studies have found some benefits. Several studies have found that blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids are lower in those who suffer from depression .
“We have studies showing that countries that have healthier diets -- with more vegetables and fish -- tend to have a lower incidence of depression than western countries,” says Ronald Glick, MD, medical director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
At least a few studies have found that adding omega-3s supplements is beneficial for those suffering from depression. For instance, fish oil does seem to boost the effectiveness of some antidepressants. There’s also some early evidence that omega-3s might help with schizophrenia and the depressive symptoms of bipolar disorder. There’s some conflicting evidence that omega-3s may help with other conditions -- ranging from skin conditions to painful menstruation to Crohn’s disease. More evidence is needed to determine whether omega-3 supplements benefit people with inflammatory bowel disease.

Omega-3s for Middle-aged and Older Adults

As you get older, the risks of serious conditions like heart disease grow. The good news is that omega-3s have their best established benefits in people of this age group.
  • Heart health. “Omega-3s have enormous benefits from a cardiovascular standpoint,” says Erminia M. Guarneri, MD, a cardiologist and medical director of the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine. Not only do they help prevent problems in healthy people, they also cut the risk of complications and death in people who already have heart disease. Omega-3s seem to help keep the heart rhythm steady. One study found that people who had already had a heart attack and took fish oil had a 45% decrease in the risk of heart-related death. Fish and fish oil also seem to slow down arteriosclerosis and lower the risk of strokes.
  • Triglycerides. The omega-3s -- DHA and EPA -- can slash triglyceride levels by 20% to 50%. The effect seems to depend on the amount, so your doctor might recommend fairly high doses. The effects of omega-3s on other types of cholesterol are less clear.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. While the evidence isn’t conclusive, a number of studies have found that fish oil can reduce rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, like morning stiffness and pain. High doses – of 3 to 4 grams -- may be necessary. No one should be on such a large dose without the supervision of a doctor.
  • Osteoporosis. Studies have found that people who eat higher levels of fatty fish than average have greater bone density in the hip. One study found that fish oil – in combination with calcium and primrose oil – increased bone density in older people with osteoporosis.
  • Memory, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. Several studies have found that diets high in fatty fish may help prevent memory loss and lower the risk of dementia in older people. However, other studies have not found a benefit. Recent studies have also evaluated whether the omega-3 supplement DHA can slow the decline seen in people with Alzheimer's dementia or in age-associated memory impairment. One recent study showed that DHA can be a beneficial supplement and may have a positive effect on gradual memory loss associated with aging.

So, care to get one? Berminat? Love yourself, and also for those that u love.

Jom, contact saya di:

SMS/whatsapp: 012-2170950

* Produk ini bukan bertujuan untuk mendiagnos, merawat, menyembuhkan atau mencegah sebarang penyakit.

Kesihatan Sendi Kita

Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Malam,

Malam ini saya nak kongsikan sedikit sebanyak tentang penjagaan sendi.

Kita semua tahu, penjagaan sendi sangatlah penting. Dulu masa saya muda zaman persekolahan, saya tak berapa kisah sangat, sebab bila buat akitiviti lasak/bersukan, tak rasa sakit sendi pon. Rasa ok saje. Tapi bila dah umur meningkat ke 25+, dah mula terasa. Lepas excercise/naik tangga/naik bukit ke, dah mula rasa sakit sana sini. Mungkin ada antara kita yang berdiri lama rasa sakit, nak solat bila ruku' dan sujud terasa kurang selesa, sakit lutut..dan sebagainya. Jadi kenalah kita lebih prihatin kan? Atau prihatin untuk mereka kita sayang :)

Tanda-tanda sakit sendi

  • Ketidakselesaan
  • Kelembutan
  • Kehilangan fleksibiliti
Ketidak-selesaan Sendi

Osteoartritis adalah penyakit yang menyakitkan sendi ramai orang. Berjuta-juta orang. Dicirikan oleh kemerosatan yang perlahan rawan antara sendi tulang, osteoartritis membawa kepada keradangan menyakitkan dan pergerakan sendi terjejas. Rawatann osteoartritis biasanya terdiri daripada rawatan simtomatik dengan ubat-ubatan anti-radang dan kesakitan.

Adakah kita berisiko?
  1. Umur: Fungsi sendi making berkurangan apabila bertambah umur
  2. Berat: Tekanan kepada sendi, terutama lutut dan pinggul bertambah dengan berat badan berlebihan
  3. Penggunaan berlebihan: Seorang atlet atau mempunyai pekerjaan yang sangat fizikal boleh menigkatkan tekanan ke atas sendi
  4. Sejarah keluarga: Masalah sendi mungkin turun temurun
  5. Lemah otot: Kelemahan otot sekitar sendi meningkatkan risiko terhadap ketidakselesaan sendi.
Selain kita cuba untuk amalkan pemakanan seimbang, salah satu usaha untuk memelihara dan menyokong kesihatan sendi kita adalah dengan mencuba Shaklee's Advanced  Joint Health Tablet (AJHT).

AJHT ialah satu formulasi proprietari yang menampilkan kombinasi bahan-bahan yang amat berkesan, yang dapat menyokong pergerakan, kelenturan sendi dan fungsi sendi yang sihat. Ia dihasilkan dari ramuan aktif yang bertindak dengan pantas bagi menyokong makanan kesihatan yang diperlukan oleh sendisendi.

Ia membantu untuk sendi sihat dengan 3 cara:-

  1. Bertindak sebagai kusyen: Ekstrak Jagung membekalkan Glokosamina di mana ia adalah komponen paling penting dalam pembinaan blok utama tulang rawan dan bendalir sinovial, membekalkan pelincir, membekalkan kesan kusyen antara sendi
  2. Memelihara tisu penyambung yang sihat: AJHT mempunyai kandungan Vitamin C, zinc, tembaga dan mangan. Vitamin C adalah nutrien paling penting dalam sintesis kolagen. Dan zinc, tembagan dan mangan adalah co-factor bagi enzim membina kolagen dan glikosaminoglikan (komponen tisu penyambung)
  3. Menyokong keselesaan sendi: AJHT mengandungi Ekstrak unique hebat "Boswellia". Ekstrak ini banyak digunakan dalam perubatan Ayurvedic lebih 500 tahun untuk merawat osteoarthritis dan rheumatoid arthritis. Agen anti radang semulajadi yg paling berkesan, menghalang bahan kimia daripada menyerang tulang yang menyebabkan ketidakselesaan sendi
Shaklee Advanced Joint Health Tablet ialah formula sayur-sayuran 100%.

Dan yang istimewanya jika hendak dibandingkan dengan supplement lain yang berada di pasaran, Shaklee AJHT adalah 100% bebas Chondoitin (yang kebanyakan sumber adalah dari haiwan @ bovine (cth:lembu), 100% bebas sumber laut, dan 100% berasaskan sayur-sayuran.

Hebat kan?

Dan di bulan Januari 2013 ini, ada sepecial promo untuk AJHT. Buy 6 free 1! Boley hadiahkah untuk diri sendiri, ibu, ayah, pakcik, makcik :) Jom!

credit foto from Kak Laila yang hebat :)  (

Untuk konsultasi dan maklumat lanjut, boleh hubungi saya :
SMS/Whatsapp : 012-2170950


Love health 7

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